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Site visits to 5 strategic projects, to monitor their progress

2021. August 02.

Between 26 – 29 July 2021, the structures of the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary Programme, particularly representatives of the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration in Romania, Joint Secretariat and BRECO Oradea, organized a series of site visits to 5 strategic projects, to monitor their progress and to support them in implementing their planned activities.

The series of site visits started in Satu Mare, with project ROHU 457, ROcHUs, “Care for health in Satu Mare and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties”. On the Romanian side, the project aims at improving the quality of the medical services in 14 departments of Satu Mare County Emergency Hospital, by expanding the hospital and building a heliport, as well as by purchasing medical equipment. On the Hungarian side, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Hospitals and University Hospital already purchased the medical equipment, while the acquisition for medical and IT equipment at Felső-Szabolcs Hospital is in progress. The total ERDF funds allocated to this project amount to more than EUR 11.29 million. Once implemented, the project will provide better medical services for more than 903,000 inhabitants on both sides of the border and 17 health-care departments will be equipped with modern devices.

On the 27th of July the project visits continued in Nyiregyhaza, with ROHU 456, EASYDOOR – “Easing Access to Systemic Discovery of Our Origins and Resources”, a cooperation project in the field of sustainable use of natural, historic, and cultural heritage. More than EUR 10.62 million ERDF is allocated through this project to develop tourism infrastructure, among the activities of the project being the restoration of 15 churches and of a historical walk, developing an Eco-Centre in Nagykálló-Harangod, refurbishing the main building of Satu Mare County Museum and organizing exhibitions. The envisaged result of the project is an increase in the number of visits to the supported sites with 30.000. 

Day 3rd, the 28th of July, was dedicated to other two strategic projects in the same field, sustainable use of natural, historic, and cultural heritage, namely ROHU 445 CBC Incubator – “Romanian-Hungarian cross-border cultural incubator for performing arts” and ROHU 446 EduCultCentre – “Romanian-Hungarian Cross-Border Education Centre of Cultural and Historical Heritage”, both having their Lead Beneficiaries and the main investments located in Debrecen.

With a total ERDF budget of about EUR 6 million, ROHU 445 aims to establish a common space in the border area, to connect cultural institutions, artists and cultural professionals in the field of theatre art. A multifunctional cultural institution, the Romanian-Hungarian Cross-border Cultural Incubator for Performing Arts – is to be established in Debrecen by the two Hungarian partners, Csokonai Theatre and Municipality of Debrecen. The conversion of the building hosting the future incubator is in progress. On the Romanian side, the Szigligeti Theatre already finalized the development of the stage space and technology, including a revolving stage, at the Oradea State Theatre. Additionally, a series of cultural events (workshops, exchange of performances) are planned within the project. The envisaged number of 18,462 visits to the supported sites is to be reached by the end of the implementation period.

On the other hand, project ROHU 446 – EduCultCentre – “Romanian-Hungarian Cross-Border Education Centre of Cultural and Historical Heritage”, aims to increase the visibility of the common cultural Romanian and Hungarian values in Europe. Investments of almost EUR 8.4 million ERDF are financed for activities such as: establishing a new multifunctional cultural institution – The Romanian-Hungarian Cross-Border Education Centre of Cultural and Historical Heritage – in Debrecen, modernization and acquisition of equipment for exhibition rooms at the Tarii Crisurilor Museum and infrastructural development of the Cultural House in Oradea. Several soft cultural-related activities are also being implemented by the project partners. The project targets an increase in the number of visits to the supported sites with 25,056.

The series of site visits ended in Timisoara, at project ROHU 443 – BABYROHU – “Babies across borders – connecting health services in the field of obstetrics-gynaecology and neonatal care between Emergency Clinical County Hospital Pius Brînzeu Timișoara and the Pediatric Clinic of Szeged”. The project benefits from an ERDF budget of more than EUR 11.74 million and finances investments in the health care infrastructure, such as the construction of the new Obstetrics-Gynecology Hospital in Timișoara, with 6 floors and 126 beds and the acquisition of equipment and furniture for 13 medical departments. The construction works for the new Obstetrics-Gynecology Hospital in Timișoara just started. The Hungarian partner in this project is also progressing well with its activities, the acquisition of part of the equipment is already finalized. In addition, 4 medical workshops have been already jointly organized with the Romanian partners. 1,976,348 persons will benefit from improved health care services and 15 healthcare departments will be better equipped and modernized.  

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