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The modernization of the stage of the Oradea State Theater will start soon

2019. July 20.

Photo: Oradea State Theater

On Friday, the 19th of July 2019, the construction contract was signed, according to which the stage of the Oradea State Theater will be completely renewed over the next few months. The value of the contract is 4,222,584.85 lei excluding VAT. Work is about to start and is part of a project funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary program.

The main applicant of the Romanian-Hungarian cross-border incubator for performing arts project is the Csokonai Theater in Debrecen, and the partners are the Municipality of Debrecen and the Szigliget Theater in Oradea. The total value of the project is EUR 7,495,587.00, of which the Szigliget Theater is EUR 1,029,546, which consists of three components: EUR 824,048.61 non-refundable grant from the European Regional Development Fund, EUR 126,031.55 from the Romanian state contribution , EUR 79,465.84 is the deductible of the Szigliget Theater.

The public tender for the modernization of the Oradea State Theater was won by the group of companies consisting of Drumasfalt Kft., Trameco RT and Energolux Impex Kft., They will start the works in a short time. During the works scheduled for December 2019, the stage decking will be completely replaced, the attendant and sound and lighting systems will be developed, the cord floor will be partially mechanized, and sinks and a revolving stage will be procured.

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